False Income Reporting in Illinois Child Support and Spousal Maintenance Disputes
Financial matters are often at the heart of a contested divorce case. Each spouse in a divorce case is expected to provide an accounting of their assets, income, expenses, and debts to the court. This information serves the basis of many different decisions, including decisions about child support and spousal support.
However, some spouses fail to report accurate financial information on their financial affidavits. This is often done in bad faith. For example, spouses may try to reduce their child support or spousal support obligation by failing to report income from a side job or underreporting how much they make each year. Sometimes, it is the recipient of support who lies about income during divorce.
Whatever the specifics may be, falsifying income during a divorce case can significantly affect the outcome. If you suspect that your spouse is lying about financial information during your divorce, make sure to work with a divorce lawyer who can protect your right to a fair divorce outcome.
Ways Divorcing Spouses Hide Income
Divorcing spouses who are hoping to manipulate the outcome of their divorce may lie about how much money they make. Spouses who are self-employed and business owners often have an easier time doing this. For example, a spouse who works as a general contractor may receive payments “under the table,” which means that the income is not reported on tax documents. Spouses who own their own businesses may falsify business records so that it looks like they earn less money than they actually receive. Delaying bonuses, commissions, and other payments until after the divorce is complete is another way of falsifying income during divorce.
Uncovering Financial Fraud During Divorce
If you suspect that your spouse is lying about money, it is important to hire an experienced divorce attorney. Finding hidden income is difficult, but is possible. Your lawyer may use discovery tools such as requests for the production of documents to get ahold of your spouse’s business financials or other paperwork. Subpoenas may also be used to request information from banks or credit card companies. Forensic accounts may help your attorney find information by investigating financial discrepancies and looking for clues that point to hidden income sources