Professionals to Consider Working with During Your Divorce
Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging things anyone will ever go through. As a result, building a support team of professionals can be highly beneficial as you look to protect yourself legally, financially, and emotionally. Of course, your greatest resource during this process will be your divorce lawyer. However, there may be other professionals, non-lawyers, who can also assist you during this process.
Here Are Professionals to Keep on Your Radar During Your Divorce
These professionals may be beneficial to you as you navigate your divorce. They include the following:
Real estate agents - These professionals can provide critical support during a divorce by assessing and guiding one through selling jointly owned property, such as the marital home. While the marital home is not always sold during a divorce, there are many cases where selling the house will become necessary. During the division of property process where the sale of the marital home is involved, licensed real estate agents can conduct a market analysis, assess potential flaws in the property, develop creative marketing plans, and provide important information or advice regarding how to price and sell the home. Moreover, an experienced real estate agent will be familiar with the legal minutiae that inevitably arise during the sales process of a home. Realtors can also help work with divorce attorneys as spouses navigate the property division process.
Accountant - When facing a divorce, especially high asset divorce, there are various important financial matters to consider, such as tax situations, asset evaluation, and property division. An accountant can provide valuable guidance in these areas, especially if taxes are owed or should be paid in advance to prevent severe financial consequences. Accountants also may have insights to divide the assets in the most tax-savvy and transparent manner possible. With years of experience, accountants can analyze financial documents and create probable tax scenarios to ensure clients understand the results of certain financial decisions. Furthermore, your accountant's support will extend into sorting through complex spreadsheets, interpreting tax codes, forecasting income tax ramifications, and more.
Therapist - Going through a divorce can be extremely emotional, often overwhelming individuals with anger, sadness, and anxiety. Working with a therapist can help individuals process and make sense of their feelings and identify healthy coping mechanisms. They can also help couples navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships, especially in contentious divorce proceedings. A therapist may be able to plant the seed of cooperation between divorcing spouses, ultimately leading to proceedings that are less contentious than they otherwise would have been